The National Traffic Safety Committee proposed to supplement the regulation of trucks with 3.5 tons or more to be affixed with reflective strip to Decree 86 / ND-CP to reduce traffic accidents.
The National Traffic Safety Committee reports, the Ministry of Public Security Office showed that road traffic accidents between the means of transport with the means of stopping, changing the course is complicated and tends to increase.
In 2016, there were 36 cases, killing 12 people, injuring 16 people; In 2017, 42 deaths happen, killing 14 and injuring 31. In the traffic accidents, the collision between vehicles in circulation with the truck stopped to occupy a large proportion.

According to the National Traffic Safety Committee, in addition to human factors, developed countries around the world simultaneously improve the safety of vehicles for trucks by mandatory regulations. Reflect the reflective strip on the large truck, thereby helping traffic participants easily identify trucks and respond promptly.
The US Road Traffic Safety Administration has reported that increasing the reflective capacity of large trucks may reduce 41% - 44% of traffic accidents involving large trucks. At the same time, it shows that between 1960 and 2012 there were 2,660 people who were saved by the retro-reflective solution on large trucks in the United States.
A study conducted by the Russian Academy of Transport Sciences in the 2002-2003 period, participate more than 35,000 trucks across the Union, showed that truck reflow solutions reduced 45% of deaths and 65% reduction in casualties compared to unladen trucks.
"It can be said that this is a simple solution that can be done immediately at low cost, but bring high efficiency in improving traffic safety," the National Traffic Safety Committee said.
In Vietnam, in 2016, the Ministry of Transport and Transport Association of Hai Phong has together with a Group to deploy reflective reflecting for 115 trucks and containers of 12 transport enterprises in Hai Phong.
Therefore, the National Traffic Safety Committee proposed the Minister of Transport, with the Decree to replace Decree 86/2014 / ND-CP on business and transport business conditions by supplement car new regulations: Vehicles Commercial vehicles with a designed payload of over 3.5 tons must be affixed with reflective strips before 1/7/2020
The Minister of Transport promulgated the regulation on sticking reflective strips on trucks with designed payload of over 3.5 tons. Reflective strips must comply with the National Technical Regulations to ensure good technical condition, to be effective during the time the vehicle takes part in the traffic.
At the same time, the National Traffic Safety Committee also proposed the Minister of Transport to assign the functional units to develop and promulgated regulations on sticking reflective strip on trucks with designed paylaod of over 3.5 tons and technical regulations A vehicle on the reflective strip on trucks with designed payload of over 3.5 tons will serve as the basis for the implementation of the above-mentioned regulations.
It is known that the fourth draft Decree on the replacement of Decree 86/2014 / ND-CP is receiving feedback from the Ministry of Transport has absorbed this content. However, the draft decree stipulates the retroreflective band on vehicles with designed payload of 7 tons or more instead of vehicles with payload of over 3.5 tons as proposed by the National Traffic Safety Committee. If this proposal is included in Decree 86 / ND-CP and approved by the Government, it will affect about 350,000 trucks.
(Source: Ngan Tuyen -